Voiding an Ad Hoc Audit

Voiding an Ad Hoc Audit

Audits can only be voided while the Audit record is in the Prepare and Perform Audit phases and as long as a response has never been approved or skipped. The user must be the owner or an Audit Supervisor. Voided audits can be re-opened.

  1. From the Prepare/Perform Audit window, click Other Actions > Void Audit.
    Result: The Void Audit window is displayed.

  1. Enter a reason for voiding the audit in the Rationale field.
  2. Click the Sign-off button.
    Result: The Sign-off window is displayed.
  3. Enter your user ID and password and then click the Sign-off button.
    Result: The Audit status is now VOID and the user’s signature and comments can be viewed under the Activity section of the Audit record.

See Also

Reopening a Voided Audit

Assigning an Audit Result

Managing Audit Meetings

Updating the Team

Viewing the Audit Schedule

Reassigning Audit Sections

Audit End User Steps



Wednesday, December 4, 2019
12:03 PM